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I have been blessed in my life by many healers and teachers who have helped me spiritually and financially. Without them I would never have been able to lead the spiritually rich and loving life that I have.
There are a lot of ideas about how to "exchange" energy and make donations, not just financially, but spiritually. So, how?
Well, first of all, healing is freely given, as God gives it, not a human other than the healer acting as a conduit. Same deal with the advice you get from the cards - if you are really spiritually open, you will receive the healing or guidance that you are ready for, when you are ready for it.
So essentially what you are doing when you make a donation is showing appreciation for the person's time, efforts put into education and study, and their skill. What is an hour of your time worth? Generally, a full card reading or healing session takes 45 minutes to an hour.
But, if you like, and it is easier for you, just take time to GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to help someone else. Make it a "spiritual offering" to God. Pass on the energy of Light, take 45 minutes or so and pray for those who need it, visit a shut in, help someone elderly with their errands, take one hour and dedicate it to a child in your life.
Of course, money helps. So, if you would like to make a financial donation, you can do so by using paypal ( and use the email address or A portion of your donation will be sent to one of the local food banks in the area.

"Thank-you for passing on the blessings!"

Snail mail works, too:      "the Creek"
                                                4291 Greasy Creek Road
                                                Indian Valley VA 24105

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