Crystal Card Readings & Teachings

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Card Readings with Donations:
You get a card reading free! Why? Because it is my gift to you and God. So, why the donation information? I use the biggest part of those donations for food banks in my area in Southwest Virginia.
But there are MANY ways to donate. Just click on the "Donations" page to find out....
When a donation accompanies a reading request, I will use one of two types of card readings with. The first is the 21 card Past-Present-Future spread that gives an over all general reading. If you are facing a particular problem or have a specific question, I'll use the 10 card Celtic spread. Both use enough cards to give an answer in depth but not so many cards that the reading becomes confusing.

Readings without donations:

For readings without donations, I will use a 7 or 9 card spread. This will give you an overview of the "real biggie" that you are probably worried about!
Also, donations don't have to be to me or be financial. if you really feel you need a healing or a reading, we can work this out! See the alternative methods of donation page.

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